Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Lodge Officers 2009-10

W.M. - R.W.Bro.R.S.M.G.King P.J.G.W
I.P.M. - W.Bro.Michel Fried P.G.Stwd.
S.W. - W.Bro.Don Barry, P.G.Sw.B.
J.W. - W.Bro.Pat Malone
Chaplain - R.W.Bro.John Campbell P.S.G.W.
Treasurer - to be announced
Secretary - W.Bro.Frank Archer
Director of Ceremonies - R.W.Bro.Milford Eyres G.Chap., P.J.G.W.
Senior Deacon - Bro.Iain Cutmore
Junior Deacon - Bro. Andy Fowle
Inner Guard - W.Bro.Elton Schaffer
Dep.Dir.of Ceremonies - R.W.Bro.John Black P.J.G.W.
Almoner - R.W.Bro.Gib Miller P.D.G.M.
Organist - TBA
Stewards - W.Bro.Tony Tabrett
W.Bro.Robert Taylor
Tyler - R.W.Bro.Neal Hewton P.J.G.W.